Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ok, around the site here iv'e placed a bunch of ads and links. None of which are scams. Also there are a few products that have an initial investment but even those are legitimate.
Even if you get set up with an affiliate marketing service you still have to know all the little tricks to bring in the traffic and how to promote yourself as well as the products you are promoting. I will list some of the more reputable reference guides and information sources. Some are free and some you will have to buy.Keep in mind you should research a product a little before you make a purchase and to the best of my knowledge everything i list here is legitimate . Some of these i have or have purchased and the rest is carried by a high quality distibuter.
If you are like me you have been all over the internet tryin to find ways to make some money. When i thought i had finally found something legitimate it turned out to be yet another scam or the pay rate was so small it wasn't worth the time and effort. I think in a month I made 70 bucks on a micro job site.
But I kept looking and finally i have actually found employment online that is for real. Actually I have found several different types of employment online. I will break them down and provide anyone reading this post with links to the few companies offering reasonable compensation for your time and effort.